Rob Bailey Inspired Character Illustration
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What is this?
It goes without saying that in any sort of production to stay marginally competitive one must set aside a bit of time to see what is “trending” or about to trend. It was during one of these forays perusing Pinterest that I found Rob Bailey. I really dug their take on flat art. The color palettes are captivating and complimentary extending the piece’s story. The character contours are organic and bring a degree of depth that I found wonderful.
So the next time I needed a break for the grind I opened my Figma and decide to give the style a shot and here are the results.
Why is this an important and interesting exercise?
“Imitate until you can innovate.” - Lucas
- I find trying to emulate and pivot on illustration, design, app, etc is the best way to learn.
- In the process of trying to recreate nine times out of 10 you learn some new technique
- By going through the motions of another style I now have a new experience to pull from the next time a project needs some illustration on the fly.
I the sharing spirit of the internet here is Rob Bailey official. So thanks for the diversion Rob. 🍻