Light Babel Node Config

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Light Babel Node Config

Source from rw;eruch

What is this?

This post is personal reference

The other day I started building an APi first project with Node and express and I have become so accustom out of the box support for ES6 for the last few years using Create React APP, or hoping into a CodeSandBox that when import express from 'express' exploded I was a little taken aback…😊

Naturally I Googled “Nodejs Babel Config” and the one I liked was rw;eruch - Minimal Nodejs Babel Setup. Being particularly lazy and also aware that I have configured a node project for ES6 a thousand times. I quickly scrolled to the few command I needed which are listed below.

The Commands and Files

npm i --save-dev nodemon @babel/core @babel/node @babel/preset-env


  "presets": [


"scripts: {
  "dev": "nodemon --exec babel-node app.js"


In this particular project I ended up using webpack for my build due to the way Heroku handles deployment.